功能医学哥伦布,俄亥俄州| Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网





功能医学 Donaldson Health的专业人士更积极主动,而不是被动被动.  比起寿命,我们更关注健康. 我们解决根本原因,而不是最新的症状. 我们是肠道健康专家, 激素, 营养, 生育能力, 长寿, 表演, 减肥, 性健康和感觉更好!

功能医学让我们在每次会诊时都能花时间. 我们考虑关键历史, review scientific results and present each patient with a detailed plan of action that we help see through. 随着澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的进步, 他们注意到自信提高了, 能量的增加, 态度转变, 脂肪消退, 肌肉加强, 性欲增强,选择变得更有成效和深思熟虑. 这是你迈向健康的最好的下一步.


传统医学的区别 & 功能医学

Hospitals and traditional doctor’s offices are well-suited for treating acute medical problems.  有特定抱怨的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台被诊断和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,一个接一个. 在最好的情况下, 检查是快速和集中的, treatment is definitive and follow-up is unnecessary; in the worst cases, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在混乱中迷失了方向, 错误是难免的, 跳过步骤, 诊断不准确或不确定,澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网无效甚至有害. 无论哪种方式, 许多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台抱怨这个过程涉及到过多的文书工作, 与供应商面对面的时间最少, 对技术的过度依赖, 很多钱……


但如果澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的抱怨并不具体:感觉很糟糕呢, 感到疲劳, 早晨疼痛, 不想做爱, 没那么开心, 生育能力不强? 也许人们对“最优”是什么样子以及尽可能活得长感到好奇. 如果情况是模糊和耗时的? 如果一个人想和医生坐下来从头开始呢? 如果愿望是考虑生活方式的众多因素呢, 家族史和职业压力, 年龄, 营养和激素? 如果积极主动比被动被动更有吸引力呢, 或者澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网问题比澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网症状更有吸引力?…





  • 你的荷尔蒙感觉“不正常”

    你的能量,你的情绪,你的周期, & 你的体重会随着荷尔蒙的变化而波动. We take the time to pair you with the right plan that will balance your body’s chemical messengers.


  • 你经常胃不舒服

    如果你的微生物群被破坏,某些触发因素可能会导致胃肠道疾病发作. 我们提供支持, control and testing to uncover the source of your stomach pain and help you heal your leaky gut.


  • 你减肥有困难

    天平不动了,似乎什么都不起作用了. 我们会找出你为什么没有减肥的原因, 制定一个量身定制的减肥计划.


  • 你没有得到你需要的答案

    You’ve been given no explanation for the changes you’re experiencing — only that they’re considered “normal.“如果你知道有更深层次的事情发生,我们会和你一起揭开它.


  • 你的症状“微不足道”

    Your symptoms don’t quite meet the criteria for a diagnosis, so you were told they were unimportant. Instead of waiting for things to get worse, we uncover your issues now and work to reverse them.


  • 想要更长的寿命

    你可能很健康,但你想知道如何优化和活得更久. 我们从不同的健康维度开始, 然后找到独特的方法来确保你拥有更多美好的日子.


  • 你的爱情不再一样了

    性曾经是自然而然的,但它很难永远保持这种状态. 性健康是你的一个重要组成部分. We help identify the causes of sexual dysfunction and offer solutions to address it completely.


  • 更年期让你痛苦

    You don’t have to “get through” menopause — there are real solutions that can help you right now. We effectively treat and manage perimenopausal symptoms to get you back to feeling like you again.


  • 你很难怀孕

    生育是复杂的,对一个人有效的方法并不是普遍的. 如果你想自然地提高你的生育能力, 我们将帮助你准备好你的身体和思想,以最大限度地提高你的受孕机会.




We take a holistic approach to creating personalized treatment plans that address the sensitive issues that matter to women. 最常, 其中包括性欲下降, 性交不适感, 荷尔蒙变化和审美偏好. 性是用来享受的! 我们的专家可以帮助你把舒适和自信带回卧室.





Whether you’re in your twenties or in your sixties, hormone imbalances can affect your daily life. We are here to understand what you are feeling and provide the right bioidentical hormone replacement solutions that will help you feel like yourself again!



没有两具尸体是完全一样的. Our compassionate team works with you to create a lifestyle and diet formula that you can sustain without sacrificing the things you love.


GI & 消化系统健康

消化系统对我们的整体健康有着重要的影响. Our experts use evidence-based strategies to help you overcome your gut health hurdles so you feel great every day.



睾丸激素替代疗法可以帮助男性重新发现能量, 他们曾经拥有的力量和专注力. 结合健康生活方式的改变, male hormone therapy can help guys embrace life with the same vigor as they did in their younger years.



我们用合理的策略指导妇女,以提高她们受孕的机会. 我们的专家擅长生育优化和健康怀孕计划, while also addressing delicate issues such as irregular cycles and unexplained miscarriages.


长寿 & 健寿

这不仅仅是为了活得长,而是为了活得更好. 你今天感觉很好,但是如果你明天感觉更好呢? Gain the competitive edge with a personalized wellness program designed to not only treat your health concerns but prevent future ones.


功能医学专家,Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿




他在俄亥俄州出生和长大. 韦斯顿是顶尖的 哥伦布的功能医学医生 有17年的家庭和运动医学经验. Dr. Weston combines contemporary conventional medicine with proven functional methods to get to the root cause of your symptoms and optimize your lifestyle so that you can feel like you again.

认识医生. 韦斯顿更好


的 lifestyle changes you make today will prepare you for a happier and healthier tomorrow. We invite you to book your first consultation with our 功能医学 providers to see how we can help you live a more comfortable life.


绝对. We recognize the importance of providing you with flexibility in managing your healthcare expenses. 在我们的实践中,我们不仅欢迎而且鼓励使用您的HSA, 这样你就能得到你需要的特殊照顾, 同时享受你的HSA提供的税收优惠.

不幸的是, because most insurance models are oriented toward treating existing illnesses rather than preventing them, 目前的医疗体系通常不包括功能医学.

我们选择了一个直接的计费模式与自付. 这 allows us to streamline your experience and offer care that goes beyond the limitations of what your insurance may cover.

为了确保无缝体验,我们恳请您提前付款. 这 allows us to focus solely on your well-being without any distractions or asking you to make financial decisions along the way.

这 also allows us to provide you with the unique assurance that there will be no additional costs or surprise bills down the road. 我们将一起揭开你的健康故事, any treatments or testing that may become necessary are all included in your initial investment.

然而, we understand there are important considerations to be made for any upfront investment. 这就是为什么我们为功能医学患者提供灵活的融资选择.


您的投资涵盖了所有咨询的费用, 考试, 实验室测试, 办公室访问, 远程保健和后续预约. 处方的任何药物将被送到您首选的药房, 保险范围可能会根据你的保险而有所不同.

We curate personalized supplement recommendations tailored to your treatment plan; while these supplements are not included, 为了您的方便,您可以通过我们的办公室领取.

是的,这要归功于诊断测试能力和远程保健技术的进步, 我们可以通过虚拟咨询为澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台服务.

We have successfully worked with patients throughout the entire state of Ohio, including:


  • 辛辛那提
  • 哥伦布
  • 代顿
  • 克利夫兰
  • 马里斯维尔镇
  • 芬德利
  • 托莱多
  • 博林格林
  • 亚克朗市

不,我们的方法要细致得多! 虽然我们会进行彻底的测试来了解你独特的健康挑战, 我们的测试方法是只订购所需的产品.

You can be sure that any test we order serves a purpose in uncovering insights for your treatment plan. 专门的测试,比如脂质测试, 荷兰测试, 血检和其他检查是很好的工具, 但前提是他们提供必要的信息,让你控制自己的健康.

在测试之后, we establish clear communication with each functional patient to understand what’s working and what needs to change. And don’t worry — we enjoy spending the extra time interpreting your results and explaining what each data point means in great detail!

是的. 我们很重视你之前的化验结果, it can be helpful to use them as a baseline to gain a better picture of your overall health history.

然而, 以确保最准确和个性化的护理, 我们也将进行我们自己的一套实验, 旨在深入研究您目前的健康问题. 我们将解释两组的结果, explaining the changes that have occurred over time or identifying trends and significant similarities.

这 combination allows us to create a more comprehensive picture of your health and build a tailored plan that will address every aspect of your concerns.

